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Jack Hunter Col. USAF (ret) Col.
Hunter brings decades of military and civil aviation experience and years of educational accomplishments including the founding of the Western Sky Aviation Warbird Museum.
His military education and flight training began in 1966 at Mather Air Force Base, CA. In 1967 he was transferred to Chanute Air Force Base, IL, as Missile Launch Officer OBR 1821G, and later that year as Strategic Air Command Operational Trainer in Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA. From 1980 to 1990 he was an Aircraft Maintenance Staff Officer, attended Air Command and Staff College, and the National Defense University in Washington D.C. He served on active duty with the United States Air Force, Strategic Air Command, from 1966-1970. In 1996, Jack retired with the rank of “Full Bird” Colonel.
From 1980-1996, Jack was recognized as Group Commander, 419th Fighter Wing Colonel, from 1994-1996; 1980-1994, Jack was Squadron Commander, 405th Logistics Support Squadron Lt. Colonel.
Jack received his Bachelor of Science degree in Aeronautical Engineering and Industrial Technology at Utah State University in June 1966. He received his graduate degree in July 1991 at the National Defense University, National Security Management in Washington DC.
In the past 30 years, Jack owned and operated Sun Valley Aviation FBO, Western International Jet FBO, was a manager of Production Control at Hercules Aerospace, and served as a lead pilot for Rocky Mountain Healthcare Life Flight. Perhaps his biggest success was when he became Director of Flight Operations at Utah University where he developed an FAA Part 141 Flight and Ground School. There he hired, trained, and supervised flight instructors, and built a successful program enabling the university to contract with Major and Regional Airlines with countless opportunities .